MHK Shareholder/Stockholder Letter Transcript:
Room for
About Mohawk
Mohawk Industries is the world s largest
ooring PanuIaFturer with Iull\ integrated
oSerations in 1orth $PeriFa (uroSe
/atin $PeriFa and $ustralasia 2Yer the
Sast two deFades Mohawk has eYolYed
IroP a niFhe 8 6 FarSet PanuIaFturer
to a gloEal residential and FoPPerFial
suSSlier with leading Sositions in all PaMor
SroduFt Fategories FeraPiF oor and
wall tile FarSet and rugs laPinate and
wood and lu[ur\ Yin\l tile /97 and sheet
Yin\l 7he &oPSan\ s SroduFt line has
e[Sanded to inFlude Tuart] and natural
stone FountertoSs SorFelain slaEs Sanels
and insulation SroduFts Mohawk SroduFes
goods in nineteen Fountries and has sales
in aSSro[iPatel\ nations
As the global flooring leader,
we have more ways to drive
greater sales and profitability.
)roP geograShiF diYersit\ to a FoPSrehensiYe SroduFt SortIolio to industr\ leading
innoYation to suFFessIul relationshiSs aFross sales Fhannels to a FoPPitPent to
sustainaEilit\ Mohawk has Pan\ adYantages to sei]e signi Fant growth oSSortunities
in residential and FoPPerFial new FonstruFtion and rePodeling $Iter e[tended
e[Sosure to high in ation and rising interest rates we EelieYe our Parkets will reEound
when rates deFline as historiFal norPs reinIorFe Pulti \ear growth aIter downturns
:ith low housing aYailaEilit\ aging stoFk and greater household IorPation we EelieYe
dePand in our Parkets will aFFelerate as soon as we enter a Pore IaYoraEle interest
rate enYironPent
$nnual 5eSort
MORE Market Potential
In our regions higher interest rates and in ation haYe led to deIerred
rePodeling and reduFed residential FonstruFtion :hen interest rates
Iall we EelieYe Pore oSSortunities will ePerge as housing Parkets
reEound and Sent uS dePand driYes inFreased renoYation and new
FonstruFtion Ior an e[tended Seriod )or \ears new hoPe FonstruFtion
has trailed household IorPations leaYing a si]aEle de Fit in aYailaEle
units *loEall\ Pillions oI hoPes entering their Seak rePodeling \ears
will reTuire signi Fant inYestPents to retain their Yalue and FoPIort :e
also e[SeFt greater PoPentuP in FoPPerFial aFtiYit\ though the lead
tiPe oI SroMeFts IroP FonFeStion to FoPSletion Pakes the tiPing oI
FoPPerFial growth Pore diI Fult to SrediFt
MORE Innovation
7o grow our Eusiness we are deliYering Pore innoYatiYe SroduFt
designs and Ieatures that SroYide FoPSelling reasons to uSgrade
residential and FoPPerFial sSaFes :e are introduFing Pore
diIIerentiated SroduFts that FoPPand a higher retail SriFe and deliYer
suSerior Pargins ' Srinted SorFelain slaEs that reSliFate natural
stone renewaEle Sol\Per Fore 53& resilient ooring water SrooI
laPinate with ultrarealistiF Yisuals and soShistiFated FarSet FolleFtions
Pade to withstand aFtiYe IaPilies with Sets 3eoSle want to liYe work
and Sla\ in EeautiIul sSaFes and we are FoPPitted to e[Feeding their
e[SeFtations with SroduFts that e[Fite and insSire
$nnual 5eSort
4/5/2024 Letter Continued (Full PDF)